
Showing posts from June, 2020

16th International gvSIG Conference (online event): Communication proposals submission

pydeck: High-scale spatial rendering in Python, powered by

GNSS joins the fight against the global pandemic

New Esri #ArcGIS Field Maps beta supports Eos Arrow GNSS location and metadata

Beyond the models of potential species distribution

The US High Poverty #Map

OGC (opengeospatial) API – Tiles and its refinement at the 2020 Sprint

Generate interactive maps using Folium

2020 Journal Impact Factor (Remote Sensing, #Geography, and Hydrology)

Placename Pronunciation Maps

GDAL 3.1.1 is released

#Google will now auto-delete location search history by default

ESA, NASA and JAXA join hands to produce global view of COVID-19 impacts

#Python and #Geospatial Analysis

One-fifth of Earth’s ocean floor is now mapped

Ethics in Geo

Open Data in India: In a Restrictive Copyright Regime, Voluntary Organisations Pitch in to Make Data Accessible

Earth Surveillance Tech changing everything, including us?

Using map-driven stories to grab attention, influence international policy


#Map: The Earth Impacts of Covid-19

#Geospatial Knowledge Infrastructure to Power Decisions at All Levels

Lesotho in 3D #map

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Racial Justice at the Esri User Conference 2020

Geomob #Podcast – 23. Interview with Denise McKenzie of the Benchmark Initiative

INSPIRE data to be shared under open terms in the UK

15 Google Maps Platform best practices

#Map: How America Was Lost to Covid-19

15 Years of Google Earth and the Lessons That Went Unlearned

#Mapping International Migration Flow

#ArcGIS AppStudio Virtual Workshop Recap

Something missing | #MapFail

#QGIS 3.14 Pi is released

Spatial Data in the Cloud – Part 2, NoSQL Databases

Using #ArcGIS Living Atlas to locate areas to promote solar

6 ways you can support local businesses with Google Maps

Integrate Carto & QGIS Using the New Direct SQL Connection

Exploring the Deepest Point on Earth

High-quality Japan data available for all developers in Mapbox

Firefighters Support Alliance Launches Interactive #Map, Tracking Economic Impact of Firefighters

Video: “QGIS User 0029 – Styling Tips And Trix (follow up from QGISch user presentation)”

Google announced it will automatically delete your location history by default

Using satellite imagery to prioritize vegetation management for utilities

#Map: How Happy is the World?

PostgreSQL 13 Beta 2 Released

British Library Flickr Maps on the Georeferencer Finished

The Joy of using Leaflet/Openlayers with Vue.js

COVID-19 Response: #GIS Best Practices from Across the Globe

Amnesty’s Video #Map of Police Violence

Geodata for Financial Institutions (Part 1/2)

#Map: YouTube Near You

The MapScaping #Podcast: Polygons of Ownership

Harness the Power of Location

Generate DXF on QGIS server

Video: “Data Visualization with QGIS”

Eos Positioning Systems Releases Eos Tools Pro for Windows

uDig Release Candidate 2.2.0.RC1

Video: “#GeoServer: The big picture”

Video: “Who needs #GeoServer?”

Video: “FOSS4GUKOnline 2020: Running an online FOSS4G – some reflections”

Video: “FOSS4GUKOnline 2020: ArcGIS to QGIS in One Easy Lesson with SLYR”

Video: “FOSS4GUKOnline 2020: Teaching QGIS – Certification and Running QGIS in the Cloud”

Video: “FOSS4GUKOnline 2020: What every GIS user should know about projections”

Video: “FOSS4GUKOnline 2020: Optomized publising of map and dataservices with GeoServer, GeoStyler, GeoWebCache and MapProxy”

Video: “FOSS4GUKOnline 2020: Using FOSS4G to track COVID-19 in Romania”

Video: “FOSS4GUKOnline 2020: Women in Geospatial+ – Changing the status-quo by creating a strong network of Women in Geospatiol+ leaders and changemakers”

Video: “FOSS4GUKOnline 2020: Delivering a digital register of common land in Wales with the help of Open Source Geo”

Video: “FOSS4GUKOnline 2020: Managing Open Data with an Open Architecture”

Video: “FOSS4GUKOnline 2020: Improving severe-weather resilience for Mongolian and Kyrgyz herding communities using earth observation imagery”

Video: “FOSS4GUKOnline 2020: Don’t lose your way! Crowd sourcing the nation’s forgotten paths”

Video: “FOSS4GUKOnline 2020: Big Earth Observation- and Geodata analysis with actinia and GRASS GIS”

Video: “FOSS4GUKOnline 2020: GeoServer 2.17 Updates”

Video: “FOSS4GUKOnline 2020: My Thirty Years of Spatial Modeling”

Video: “FOSS4GUKOnline 2020: Solving Geospatial Problems with JavaScript”

Video: “FOSS4GUKOnline 2020: Geonetwork orientation”

Video: “FOSS4GUKOnline 2020: OGC APIs and the evolution of OGC standards – an update”

Video: “FOSS4GUKOnline 2020: Labeling cans on a production line – automating metadata creation”

#OSGeo Certification Services for OGC (opengeospatial) Compliance and Reference Implementations

The Earth Archive Project and 3D #Mapping the Earth

#Google Maps may offer routes connecting bikes and cars to public transit

USGIF Announces 11 New Board Members For 2020-2021

What to consider when visualizing data for colorblind readers

#OpenStreetMap GPX extractor

Maps with Zealandia

#Map: Sending cabbies in circles

3 open-source projects that could transform #geospatial industry by 2025

Picking the right tool for #geospatial data enrichment (part 2)

Picking the right tool for #geospatial data enrichment (part 1)

#Google Maps SDK API Key in Android

The MapScaping #Podcast: Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks

Positional Accuracy Assessment for NAIP/3DEP Pilot

Legend for continuous raster in QGIS composer

Lightning Maps

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team and iLab Liberia Exploring the Potential of Machine Learning to Augment Human Mappers in Monrovia

The 2020 Submarine Cable #Map

Geomob #Podcast – 22. Interview with Harry Wood of OpenStreetMap London

4 things #GIS jobseekers should focus on, according to recruitment experts

Video: “David Rumsey Map Center: Inside One of the World’s Biggest #Map Collections”

JTS OverlayNG – Tolerant Topology Transformation

These are the best mobile data collection apps for QGIS projects

Creating a #map with inset using tmap

Spotify world #map shows most popular song named after every country

Why did Facebook acquire #geospatial startup Mapillary?

How earth observation data and analytics is helping tackle climate change

#Esri users gain access to international public transport data from TravelTime

#Map: The Gerrymandered States of America

Video: “MapTiler and vector tiles in QGIS 3”

Video: “Watershed Delineation using Arc Hydro Tools”

15 non-profit organizations making an impact with Google Maps Platform

State of the Map 2020 is here, more ways to get involved

#ArcGIS Field Maps released

British Library #map leads to a Gibraltar archaeological discovery

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) receives core funding to bring 1 billion people to the #map

COVID-19 modelling with the Centre for Humanitarian Data

#gvSIG Online: Importing vector layers and web services

Using Remote Sensing to #Map Invasive Species

New GNSS correction service launched for Australia

geoProspector: Download Data from Esri #Map Services

How to search Earth Engine API and import assets from GEE personal account?

Opening Google Maps database

#Map: The Sexist Street Names of Amsterdam

How to import Earth Engine #Python scripts into Jupyter notebook?

Bending Lines, an Online Exhibition from the Leventhal Center

COVID-19 Inequality: A Focus on Brazil Coronavirus Maps

UK Geospatial Commission releases new #Geospatial data strategy

ArcGIS World Imagery Metadata Update

RTKBase v2 is available for your GNSS Base Station

How To Build Computer Vision Workflows with Picterra + FME

#Map: Widen My Sidewalk

OGC (opengeospatial) adopts and publishes Hierarchical Data Format Version 5 (HDF5) Core Standard

OpenGlobus – a JavaScript library for interactive 3D maps and planets

ethermap: Create and share maps with your friends

How we measure the effects of AI-assisted #mapping

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Voting Membership Welcomes 27 New Members

#OpenStreetMap Awards 2020 are cancelled

Optimal Scan Locations for Terrain #Mapping

Open source tools

Geomob #Podcast – 21. Free is great. Or is it?

#LeafletJS & React #Leaflet

A Video Masking Effect #Map

Comparing human populatin density maps

ETL Google Distance Matrix API

Developers Diary 2 by pwramsey

Monitoring Volcanoes Using UAVs

Try the new features planned for upcoming #ArcGIS Online updates

Search Earth Engine API and import data from your GEE account

How to #map the impact of COVID-19 on your neighborhood using machine learning and satellite data?

A collection of 300+ examples for using Earth Engine and the geemap Python package

The Urban Analysis Interactive #Map

#OpenStreetMap on the Chinese Border

#Map: How Busy is My Bus?

Flight Planning for Lidar-Based UAS #Mapping

#Maps: COVID-19 Inequality in the US: How Coronavirus is killing more Black Americans

Presenting breakdowns by race/ethnicity (or any groups) in your maps

Install Google Maps & Places SDK for iOS Using Carthage

OGC (opengeospatial) Members propose new Routing Standards Working Group

11 Myths About #LiDAR Technology

Open Source #Geospatial #Mapping Software to Help Solve Real-world Problems

9 maps that explain the Mediterranean Sea

Firefly Imagery Updates

Using Drones to More Accurately Count Sea Turtles

Using #Geospatial Data in Snowflake

Monitoring the Earth

#Map: Border Spies in the Skies

FDO Toolbox 1.4.1 announced

WorldPop in Carto: global demographic insights at high granularity

Audio in #ArcGIS StoryMaps

Why are these borders so weird?

CityEngine 2020.0 release highlights

4 amazing OS open data products you can use right now

A map is a map is a map. What geographical #maps and journey maps have in common.

#Map: The Fascist’s Aerial Bombing of Barcelona

Analog #GIS: Planning for the Worst Case Scenario

Jamaica using #geospatial technology to combat COVID-19

How #GIS Can Help Make Mars Suitable for Humans

#GeoTools 23.1 Released

Analysis of Satellite Imagery and Search Data Suggests the Coronavirus Outbreak May Have Started Earlier in 2019

Toward resolution of controversies related to iD editor

Image Classification Labeling: Single Class versus Multiple Class Projects

#GeoServer 2.17.1 Released

The Mapbox Navigation SDK v1.0 for Android announced

#Map: The Spread of Covid-19 in Rural America

Massive List of #GIS Tasks and Job Titles

Get around safely with these new Google Maps features

How to Make Dynamic Maps with #python

#Map: Estimating Protest Numbers

#OpenStreetMap US Code of Conduct Officially Adopted

5 Free Offline #GPS Apps for Android

Vector Tile Style Editor hack

Microcosms Ready for Feedback

In r-spatial, the Earth is no longer flat

What is Continuous Versus Discrete Data in #GIS?

What is Cadastral #GIS Data?

Facebook buys Mapillary

R statistics, D3.js Color scales & MapboxGL.js

#Mapbox + React beginner tutorial

Why #geospatial technologies will be at forefront as the world reopens

Importance of maps in studying history

Swiss QGIS user group meeting Online 2020

Divide and map. Now.: The damn project

Ultra Mileage v1.7 Released

Updating legacy open data sites in #ArcGIS Hub

Maps: Why the U.S. has had more vice presidents than presidents

Bing Maps is changing its base #map data provider

Cesium now supports OpenStreetMap layer of over 350 million 3D buildings

#Map: How New York City Grew Over Time

How #Geospatial Data Will Play A Key Role In Retail Analytics In The Post-COVID World?

OGC (opengeospatial) Members Revise IoT Standard SensorThings API Part 1 – Sensing; Public Comment Sought

How to edit large GeoJSON in #leaflet

What is ETL…

The history of cartography: shining a light

#OpenStreetMap Smart Menu now attempts to recognize any website

OpenStreetBrowser v4.9: Links in tag listings

blender-osm: OpenStreetMap and Terrain for Blender

Centred maps

Two new #Python scripting books for #ArcGIS Pro from Esri Press

Flutter: Display map, markers, and polyline using Mapbox

What’s new in #ArcGIS StoryMaps (June 2020)

Overview of QGIS 3.14 Mesh Features

#Mapping the Amount of Snow on Arctic Sea Ice

Hiking trails in OpenStreetMap

QGIS North America 2020 virtual conference

Mini Map-Makers

The MapScaping #Podcast: Radio Frequency Data Collection

Critical Security patch for #ArcGIS Enterprise portal Released

The Dangerous Conflations Of #GIS

The MapScaping #Podcast: Hyper-accurate indoor location

Tiffhax: tiff metadata hex viewer

Chattanooga #Map Collection

AI, satellite data to predict blazes ahead of US wildfire season

This is the first global, open-access #map of solar and wind farms

How to Make this Ocean Graphic in #ArcGIS Pro and Photoshop

#gvSIG Online: Measurement tool in 3D Views

Fun Lessons About Maps

OGC (opengeospatial) adopts Extension to its Moving Features Standard, enabling JSON Encoding

A new update to HTML rules in #ArcGIS Hub is coming September 2020

How to Create Coronavirus Time Series #Map

Cesium adds Global Layer of 3D Buildings

Maps and mappers of the 2020 GeoHipster calendar: Megan Gall, June

#Mapping Police Killings

Bing Maps is updating its base #Map data source

US Protest #Map & Visualizing Police Violence

Animated choropleth #map with Plotly: Covid-19 use case

#PostGIS 2.3.11 released

Examples For Customizable Routing with the GraphHopper Routing Engine version 1.0

#Mapping Australia in R

Geodorable (mygeodorable) #Podcast Episode 70

How to make a Pushpin Travel #Map

Bing Maps Multi-Itinerary Optimization API Developer Webinar (June 18)

The ENVI Analytics Symposium is going virtual

A #map, a view and an elevation

Perhaps all atlases should be this subjective

The beginnings of an Oceania OSMF local chapter

How Satellite Data Helps to Monitor Geopolitical Change

How to Persuade with Maps

#QGIS Pi Mapping Contest Results

FdoCmd: the missing CLI for FDO

MapAction supporting refugees in Northwest Syria

Automated text extraction from colonial-era maps of eastern Africa

Monitoring Lakes Using Remote Sensing Data

The Importance of #GIS

Library of Congress Maps for Robots

Styling Ocean Depth Data in Mapbox Studio

The MapScaping #Podcast: Digital Twins

Video: “QGIS expressions, variables, data defined settings: putting it all together (by Nyall Dawson)”

#Map: Emergency phone numbers used around the world

#Map: Changing Cities

Maps of Antarctica at the British Library

Archiving and Restoring Maps in #GIS Cloud

The Listening Passport: an interactive #map of sounds

Converting The Layers of a DWG File in AutoCAD to an Esri Shapefile using GeoPackages in QGIS 3.x

Making a city map from reclaimed wood

Video: “How to install QGIS development version”

Satellites to be used in fright against poaching

Geomob #Podcast – 20. Interview with Andy Coote of ConsultingWhere

#Map: The Past Climate Explorer

Creating Basic #Leaflet #Map Using GeoJSON

Censorship and the Ordnance Survey

Myriahedral #Map Projections

Engravers: The Unsung Heroes of Mapmaking

#OpenStreetMap Cartographic: A client-side rendered OpenStreetMap Carto

Fixing and improving long-standing FDO Toolbox annoyances

GeoZero, a zero-copy API for processing #geospatial data

Working with vector tiles in QGIS – Part 1

#GraphHopper Routing Engine 1.0 Released

Five of the best online #mapping apps according to The Guardian

Mapsurfer deprecation – cached tiles removed after june 2020

vscode-map-preview 0.5.2 announced

How to avoid blurry #map on Firefox Mobile

The Dot #Map of Immigrant America

Digital terrain models help create a picture

The Street Age #Map

Folium #Python Interactive Maps

Spatial on air: talking #Python on the MapScaping #Podcast

#Map: Meanwhile, Antarctica’s snow is turning green

Find wheelchair accessible places with Google Maps

Using Spatial Analysis to Measure UK Gentrification

A practical guide to #geospatial interpolation with R

The Scottish Isochrone #Map

Mapbox partners with SoftBank to create Mapbox Japan

The MapScaping #Podcast: #Geospatial #Python

Bringing #OSM Smart Menu back to life

How often does Google update its Maps data?

SMASH 1.2.0 released

#GeoServer 2.16.3 released

#GeoTools 22.3 released

Boy Scouts of America Project Uses #Geospatial Technologies to Help Frontline Responders

Alternatives to TravelMap

Vector Features / Mapbox Style Sheet Roadmap in WhirlyGlobe-Maply

#Esri Press Publishes Children’s Book about #GIS

#Map: The Unequal States of America

Maps vs Cartography

The Tree Watering #Map

The Lethal Heat #Map

Call PostgreSQL from BigQuery for extra #GIS powers

Video: “Load XML styles on QGIS”

pygeoapi 0.8.0 released

GDAL: The Open Source Technology Behind Google Maps

Vine scouting: Using QuickCapture and Survey123 to scout vineyards

NOAA hosts virtual meeting to discuss offshore #mapping progress in Alaska

Transform Field Operations for Environmental Compliance in Forestry

Enabling Digital Transformation with Data Integration

Search in Collector with iOS Shortcuts

GeoNode 3.0 and 2.10.4 are out

Did somebody say more Bird’s Eye imagery?

Workplace Social Distancing with Indoor #Mapping Software

The OGC (opengeospatial) Environmental Data Retrieval API: simple access to big data

#Mapping the Nakba

What’s the most deployed #geospatial server software?

Securely accessing enterprise #ArcGIS Portal sites through QGIS

Series of Jupyter Notebooks for Getting Started with GEDI L1B-L2A-L2B Products in Python

FDO Toolbox 1.4 released

Getting Started with GEDI L1B, L2A, and L2B Data in #Python Tutorial Series

#Map: Minneapolis Police Use Force Against Black People at 7 Times the Rate of Whites

Oscilloscope Joy map style

A Brief Tutorial on Exploring the Open SGID with Open Source #Python Tools

Geopaparazzi vs. Esri Collector – a user story

Maps in React using #leaflet

TatukGIS Developer Kernel 11 for ASP.NET Web Forms

The MapScaping #Podcast: best free #GIS apps for data collection

Canopy Base Height Estimates From #Lidar

How to generate lat and long coordinates of city without using APIS

Creating a #map of street designations with GeoPandas and Matplotlib

Lin.ear th.inking: JTS Overlay – the Next Generation

Collecting the Maps of the Coronavirus Pandemic

New flex output in osm2pgsql

Harmonised global datasets of wind and solar farm locations and power

Paying off technical debt in Osm2pgsql

Geomob #Podcast – 19. Previewing FOSS4GUK Online 2020

Video: “Graphical modeler in QGIS3”

Video: “Use #Python and QGIS (PyQGIS) to Automate #GIS Tasks and Workflows”

#Map: The 2020 Eurorail Contest

#Map: The Beer Belly of America

Copernicus Hackathon Bari 2020. The online competition for innnovators and developers.

#QGIS and Editing: Widgets

Pen and Ink map style

Graffmap is now open sourced

INSPIRE Conference 2020 goes virtual

GDAL/OGR – Automated Geodata Processing

How to keep your kids (and yourself) busy with maps during the Covid-19 lockdown?

MapAction 2.6 Challenge success

10 New #ArcGIS Pro Lesson Activities, Learn Paths, and Migration Reflections

#Map: Land-Grab Universities

Strategies for Planning and Selecting Maps for Exhibits, Displays and Workshops

London vs New York: Which city has the higher average building height?