
Showing posts from July, 2015

EarthServer Project goes into the second round

Mapping Spanish Debt

QGIS 2.10 Pisa is out

Audi, BMW and Daimler will close the deal to buy Nokia`s HERE by the end of July

Here Matters

Multi Ring Buffer in QGIS – Buffer the Buffer or Incrementally Increasing Distance?

Cómo calcular el área de un polígono con ArcGIS, QGIS y gvSIG

The Google Maps Flâneur

Google gets altitude wrong and drowns a city

Visualoop`s New Data Visualization Gallery

Books on WWII Maps

What`s new in ArcGIS Open Data July 2015?

The Top 10 Most Job-Accessible Cities in the USA

“For Sale, GIS Data Provider, Will Take Best Offer”

Open History Mapping

Every Job in America Mapped

#gistribe chat 7.15.15 Mapions Unite! (with images, tweets)

The ArcGIS Book

Colorado Springs City Council Proclaims GPS Day to Celebrate 20th Anniversary

Mapiful – Create map posters of your favorite place or city

Osm2pgsql 0.87.4 released

New road style for the Default map style of OpenStreetMap

Novedades de QGIS 2.10 Pisa

DeepStereo – Street View Movies

What’s New in ArcGIS Online (July 2015)

Indian cities may soon start to go 3D in Google Earth

Clipping polylines and creating intersections using Scripting on #gvSIG

Want to sponsor some QGIS features? Here’s some ideas…

Opening New Possibilities with Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

Announcing the HERE for Android Public Beta

ol3-layerswitcher in Bower

Sentinels Scientific Data Hub

Orfeo ToolBox (OTB) Summer Tour

Connecting GIS Cloud with SFTP Clients

A Desktop Analyst`s Guide to #QGIS – Beyond the Basics

Mapping Patterns in #Portland Parking Tickets

#Esri Maps for #SharePoint 4.0 released

Dhofar: The Other Arabia

Setting up PyCharm for PyQGIS and Qt

Analyzing #OpenTreeMap Data with #PostGIS

Location Guard: a browser extension that allows to protect your location

Uber acquires Bing Maps. This means that HERE will be bought by German carmakers.

Certainty 3D Announces the Release of TopoDOT Version 8.0

GPS Innovation Alliance Response to LightSquared Regarding Compatibility Testing of Terrestrial B…

Talleres 7as Jornadas gvSIG LAC: Criminología ambiental

Mapping the Fantastic: A Chat with Cartographer Robert Lazzaretti

Mapping London`s 18th Century Prostitutes

New Google Earth layers: Street View highlights

Procesamiento de mensajes #AIS con #JBoss #Drools para detección automática de eventos en un pu…

10 colorful maps to use as smartphone wallpaper

Cambio de sistema de referencia ED50 – ETRS89 con gvSIG

OpenLayers 3.7.0 released

Geocodificación en GIS

O Canada

On Cartographic Symbology and the GIS Software Business

Creating .obf files for OsmAnd using Overpass Turbo API and OsmMapCreator

Unique NAIP State-level Imagery Mosaics at 1m-resolution for 48 Continental U.S. States Available

Esri Releases 10.3 Versions of its Technical Exams

How to Use ArcGIS Data, Features and Basemaps in Tableau

The famous algorithm that made navigation in Google Maps a reality

From Haiti to Nepal, Google team helps users find critical geographic data during crises

GIS plays critical role in US telecommunications planning & security

First impressions #QGIS 2.10 Drop Shadow Effects

Border Based Marker Clustering

Jenny Allen: “Build applications and services that delight the geo-nervous or geo-reluctant&quo

A @VerySpatial #Podcast – Episode 519

First images from recently launched #Sentinel 2 satellite

Google Earth turns 10

Map: One Hundred Years of Earthquakes

Global #Trachoma Mapping Project